Our partnership with inventors is one of the things that makes Custom Converting unique.   As a custom manufacturer, we’re able to produce and supply a variety of materials and products.  We’ve manufactured everything from disposable bikinis to devices for medical testing.  Our capabilities will make your dreams come alive, which is the true meaning of “custom”.  We encourage customers to “Think it, Dream it, Do it”!

Inventors Working with Experts

Every inventor needs an expert in manufacturing to come alongside them.  You know what you want to make.  We know how to take your ideas and make them happen on the production floor.  Working with materials on a small scale or in development is one thing, working with them on a grand scale is another.  Let us walk alongside you and help you get your product onto the shelves.  We even provide packaging services.   Custom Converting can be your one-stop-solution. When we’re working with inventors, we know they don’t want to over-complicate their creations.

We’re the experts in what materials are available and might be suitable for your product.   As a 3M Select Converter we have access to the full catalog of 3M adhesives, tapes, foams and films.   And if 3M doesn’t have what you want, we work with many other providers as well.   We can also laminate materials together to create something with additional functionality.  This is one of the ways that we work with inventors – we supply the manufacturing experience, they provide the ideas.

Custom Die-cutting

Your product requires a custom steel-rule die?  Not a problem.   We’ll get a die made just for you and start cutting your material in short order.    Need more accuracy?   Custom Converting offers precision rotary dies as well as class-A custom dies.   Whatever the shape or size of your final product, we can have a die made to accommodate your needs.  Your invention doesn’t have to look like something that’s gone before to take shape – we’ll suit the shapes to your needs.

Inventors using innovative materials?

We’ve been asked to work with everything from fabric to kraft paper to titanium metal.   Our ability to utilize a variety of materials gives us the ability to conform to your needs, and the needs of your customers.    We can coat your materials, slit them, die-cut them, print them and package them.   We’re truly ready to work with inventors to make dreams into realities.

In-person Consultations: Working with Inventors

Not every contract manufacturer will make the time to sit down and talk about ideas with inventors, but we do.   You can set an appointment to speak with our experts and sit down at a table with someone who’s going to catch your excitement and see the possibilities in your creation.   We’re happy to give you advice and the benefit of our years in the business.   And not only are we willing to sit down with you, we’re conveniently located in North San Diego county.

Interested in benefiting from our years of experience and personal touch?  Contact us today!